Baltic Blue Growth konferens i Malmö den 24:e april. Konferensen är på Engelska. Läs mer.
The day will focus on mussel farming and nutrient offset from a technology, policy, finance and regulatory perspective.
The aim of the conference is to raise awareness on the benefits and opportunities of Baltic mussel production and use, and furthermore establish a Baltic mussel farming Working Group that works to maximise these benefits in the Baltic Sea Region. The latest findings in mussel production and use will be presented, incl. project results, solutions and tools, as well as the impacts of technology and recommendations for the future. Special attention will be given to the Baltic Blue Growth project, which has established three fully operational mussel farms in the Baltic Sea to counteract eutrophication and create new Blue Growth opportunities. Topics discussed will include:
New data on environmental benefits and ecological impacts of mussel farms in the Baltic Sea
• Nutrient modelling
• Recent advances in Baltic blue catch farming
• Insect- and mussel-based novel feed ingredients
• Blue catch crop farming and implications for Maritime and Coastal Planning
• Financing nutrient catch
Anmäl er här:…/balticbluegrow…/mussels-conference-2019